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Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Puli producers not in a situation to clear the payment - effects on release

Vijay Puli which was supposed to be rleased Oct 1 at 4 am and 5 am , the showa have been cancelled. According to the industry sources, the makers of Puli were yet to get clearance from Qube -the company that streams movies digitally. 

 Looks like the impact of Income Tax Raid has been a big hurdle for Puli release.

Salman Khan Prem Ratan Dhan Payo first look

The prem is back. The unconditional love is blossom again bollywood silver screen. Salman Khan Prem Ratan Dhayo first look is getting tremendous response. 

The name salman khan Prem reminds his historical hits like Maine pyar kiya and hum aapke hai koun  and now Salman khan is all set to bring the romantic magic on the silver screen.  

Salman khan V Prem Ratan Dhan Payois planning to be released on November November 12 and it will be released in Tamil and Telegu also, a smart move to reach out to fans across India. And the great news is in Prem Ratan Dhan Payo salman khan is dual roles as a prince and professional fighter it means dhamal dhamaka on this diwali. 

Sonam kapoor looks like an angel and she is sharing the screen with Salman Khan for the first time.  
Prem Ratan Dhan Payo also stars Neil Nitin Mukesh, Swara Bhaskar and Anpam Kher in very important roles.

I am not happy with my father says Ram charan

I am not happy with my father says Ram Charan

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జస్à°Ÿ్ నవ్à°µుà°•ోవడాà°¨ిà°•ే....

Puli is attacked by Income Tax raid

The whole team of puli was busy in promoting in different languages like tamil, hindi as well as telugu. The actor Vijay house is surrounded b IT officials and investigation is going on. As per the sources "The raids were conducted following reports that some investment made in 'Puli' is unaccounted for.”

Not only On puli Vijay a total of 32 places were reportedly raided by authorities in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Hyderabad. Actresses Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Nayanthara's houses were also searched. And the details have not been revealed yet. 

The raides were conducted at nayanatara’s home in Kochi as well as Thiruvalla in central Kerala besides at Chennai.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is not accepting glamorous roles

Aishwarya rai bachchan is making her come back with Jazbaa she is playinga mother role who practises as al lwayer. The talented actress says "Actually, having become a mother was perfect for a script like this because there is a lot of truth to the nuancing you can bring in. In terms of any dramatic moment, you can bring in a degree of truth to the sense of drama without necessarily being overt, and yet be there with all heart, every pulse, and every cell of your body, actually committed to that moment. Experience does bring in a lot of honesty here," said Aishwarya.

Aishwary rai bachchan is a mother 3 yrs toddlers is very comfortable in playing a mother role "As actors, you don't necessarily constantly refer to real life experiences, but as an artist, experience is the greatest teacher. So you will otherwise be referencing, picking up from somebody else's life, or from impressions which we very often don't realize. Or at some point, impressed by the cinema you've viewed. That's the kind of subconscious imaging with which you come on the set. But having become a mother was perfect for a script like this." Added Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.

 Jazbaa is a very special film for Aishwarya because she is planning her second innings very carefully and she is not accepting the offers if there is no worth in the concept and no weight in her character. She has never disclosed but AIshwarya Rai Bachchan is trying to avoid glamorous roles and looking for only those characters which are suitable to her age and image.