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Saturday, 22 November 2014

Narendra Modi Man of Action and Success

Watch "Narendra Modi Man of Action and Success"

Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the most successful leader, he didn't take much time to draw the attention of the entire world towards India, now every country is looking forward to join their hands with India for mutual growth, he is creating a big business space for Indian Corporates , Industrialist and Enterprises. He is equally focusing on public welfare, health , clean India , education and Infrastructure development. There is huge positive impact in Indian market with the strategic steps taking by Narendra Modi. He deserves the statement of American President "Narendra Modi Man of Action" . 

Friday, 21 November 2014

Finally Virat Kohili agreed his relation with Anushka Sharma

Virat Kohili and Anushka Sharma are in relation, by media speculations and their public appearances it is already confirmed that they are in relation. But Finally Virat Kohili has officially confirmed that and said “yes we are in relation, please respect our privacy”. He also added we are very much disappointed with the media speculations to heat up the news.

Narendra Modi becomes Tamail Nadu Super Hero

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi has proved his humanity by saving Tamilnadu fisher men lives, those whi were arrested and sentenced death by Srilankan government for tress passing Srilankan waters. 
The punished fishermen families approached prime minister involvement in this issue, he considered their request and contacted Srilankan president immediately and seek his help to save innocent fishermen lives as they are the only breadwinners for their families, for which Srilankan president responded positively and given orders to suspend fishermen death sentence and release them immediately.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Top 2 Indian Private Banks agreed for Merger

Today ING Vysya Bank and Kotak Mahindra Bank announced their merging; the value of the deal is approximately 15,000 crore, merging will help Kotak Mahindra Bank from ING Vysya Bank’s strong SME business. Both banks have issued their amalgamation notices to the stock exchanges.
Before, L&T Financial Holdings expressed their interest in acquire ING Vysya, but it couldn’t successful.

Tech Mahindra acquired Lightbridge Communications Corp - US

Tech Mahindra acquired Lightbridge Communications Corp, US-based network services provider for value of $240 million. With the merge Tech Mahindra aims to become one of the largest network equipment makers in the market.

Tech Mahindra Executive Vice President Vineet Nayyar said "This is our largest acquisition outside India. LCC has about 5,700 employees and this deal will take our headcount to one lakh”
This merging will affect Tech Mahindra share value and combined company earning margins this year, but they can start strong in 2015.

CBI Director Kicked out of 2G Spectrum Probe

The Supreme Court today ordered CBI Director Ranjith Sinha to with draw himself from 2G spectrum investigation team, Chief justice Bench headed by HL Dattu added that allegations raised on CBI Director Ranjith Sinha are acceptable and trust worthy, so we are demanding self with drawl from his side to keep the CBI department respect in the public.

CBI Director Ranjith Sinha accused for meeting the 2G spectrum case accused people, earlier Sinha condemned the rumors, but now he should respect the Supreme Court orders and walked out from the 2G spectrum investigation team. 

TSR Subramaniam former cabinet Secretary appreciated Supreme Court order.

Shooter identified in Aurobindo Pharma MD firing incident

 Finally the shooter who involved in Aurobindo Pharma MD firing incident case is identified and taken into police custody for further investigation, but here the shocking news is shooter is from police department, identified shooter is Amberpet CPS Ground AR Constable Obulesu, earlier he worked in Karnool APSP AR Constable and Hyderabad Anti-Naxals Greyhounds Department, the weapon AK 47 used in Aurobindo Pharma MD firing incident, is the same weapon went missing in last year December during anti-naxals greyhound combing operations team returned from AP- Chhattisgarh border. Police department still need to confirm Obulesu arrest officially, as per the sources obulesu is accused in another kidnap case as well.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Salman Khan Sister Arpita Wedding Celebrations Slide Show

Enjoy Exclusive Video - Salman Khan Sister Arpita Wedding Celebrations Slide Show

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